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Chapter 6: Server-side Rendering (SSR) in Astro

Chapter 6: Server-side Rendering (SSR) in Astro

This chapter will guide you on enabling SSR in an Astro project, and we will also discuss a detailed overview of the extensive features a server-side rendered Astro project offers.

What you’ll learn

  • Understand how to enable SSR in an Astro project.
  • Leverage environment variables to store secrets.
  • Provide flexible server routing via dynamic routes.
  • Understand the request-response cycle and its relevant properties.
  • Take advantage of Astro API routes to power robust applications.

When do you need SSR?

In an earlier chapter, we discussed several rendering techniques for a frontend application. The reason was so we could make effective decisions for when to choose one rendering technique over the other.

I’ll briefly summarise why we may need SR in an Astro project. Remember that your mileage may differ - so always refer to the basics discussed in Chapter 3: Build Your Own Component Island.

Now, the following are pointers to when we may need to enable SSR in an Astro project:

  • Content that is subject to frequent changes.: We may need SSR if a page’s content frequently changes, rather than using a statically built page which would require a rebuild for every new change.
  • Thee need for API endpoints: SSR allows us to create API endpoints while keeping sensitive data hidden from clients. We’ll see how to do this later in the chapter.
  • Creating pages with restricted access: To limit access to a page, enable server rendering for server-side handling of user privileges.

How to Enable SSR

Okay, here’s how it all begins. To enable SSR in an Astro project, set the output configuration option to server in the astro.config.mjs file.

// 📂 astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
export default defineConfig({
//This will enable SSR
output: "server",

And that’s it!

Let’s see this in action by starting a new project with the following command:

npm create astro@latest -- --template=minimal --yes --skip-houston ssr

This will use the minimal template, --skip-houston will skip the Houston animation, and the --yes option will skip all prompts and accept the defaults.

Now, change directories into ssr and start the project:

Terminal window
cd ssr && npm start

The app should run on a local server with a single index.astro page.

If we build the application for production via npm build, we should have the single index.astro page pre-rendered, i.e., statically built.

Statically rendering the index.astro page.
Statically rendering the index.astro page.

To re-iterate, a pre-rendered application is essentially a static site, i.e., not server-side rendered.

To initiate server-side rendering, let’s change the configuration to include the output property as shown below:

// 📂 src/astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
export default defineConfig({
output: "server",

If we rerun the production build, we will have an error in the console.

[error] Cannot use `output: 'server'` without an adapter. Please install and configure the appropriate server adapter for your final deployment.

Deploying an SSR project

The root cause of the error above is that to build your application for server-side rendering; the Astro build command must know what server you’ll eventually be deploying to.

SSR requires a server runtime, i.e., the code running within the server that renders our Astro pages. To achieve this, Astro provides adapters that match our deployment runtime.

An adapter allows Astro to do two things. First, determine the server runtime environment. Second, output a script that runs the SSR code on the specified runtime.

The Astro adapter needs..
The Astro adapter needs..

At the time of writing, the available Astro adapters are Cloudfare, Deno, Netlify, NodeJS and Vercel.

We may deploy our SSR project to any of these runtimes with natively supported adapters.

To install any of these adapters, use the command:

Terminal window
npx astro add [name-of-adapter]

[name-of-adapter] could be cloudfare, deno, netlify, node or vercel.

I recommend looking at the official reference for any adapters you need in your project, as it would be unreasonable to cover all of these in the book. However, we will stick to netlify moving on.

To add the netlify adapter, go ahead and enter the following command in the terminal:

Terminal window
npx astro add netlify

This will go ahead and install the adapter and update our configuration file to the following:

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
// 👀 look here
import netlify from "@astrojs/netlify/functions";
export default defineConfig({
output: "server",
// 👀 look here
adapter: netlify(),

Essentially, the adapter is imported in the second line of the config and added to the adapter property.

Now re-run the build command:

npm run build

This will successfully build our SSR project for production by outputting netlify specific code snippets in the dist and .netlify directory.

Now, we’re in business 🚀

Use the correct adapter

It goes without saying that after adding an adapter, the project should be deployed to the specified adapter, netlify, and not some other provider, e.g., vercel.

Use the correct adapter for your deployment runtime.

Deploying a Vercel adapter to Netlify is wrong.
Deploying a Vercel adapter to Netlify is wrong.

Our actual deployment steps will vary depending on the server runtime being deployed. For example, for Netlify, we may follow the steps described in the deploy a static site in Chapter 1. These steps will be identical for similar runtimes like Vercel.

For other runtimes, the official Astro deployment guides do an excellent job of explaining the deployment steps required.

SSR with static pages

With the output configuration property set to server, every page in our Astro project will be server-side rendered. However, there’s a great chance we may want one or more pages to be statically generated at build time, i.e., some pages server-side rendered and others pre-rendered.

Having a mix of server and statically rendered pages.
Having a mix of server and statically rendered pages.

In such cases, we can opt-in to pre-rendering by adding export const prerender = true to any page that supports exporting variables, e.g., .astro, .mdx , .ts and .js.

Let’s try this out by creating a new about.astro page with the following content:

// 📂 src/pages/about.astro
// 👀 note the prerender export
export const prerender = true;
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/favicon.svg" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<meta name="generator" content={Astro.generator} />
<h1>About us</h1>

With the prerender export, the about page will be statically rendered at build time, while the index page remains server-side rendered.

Run npm run build to see this in action.

Static and server-side generated pages in the same project.
Static and server-side generated pages in the same project.

From Request to Response

The interaction between a client and server may be simplified in two steps:

  • the client makes a request.
  • the server sends a response.

The two main entities in this simplified interaction are the client request and the server response. Luckily, with server-side rendering, we may access details of the request and response object.

The Request object

The request object may be accessed on the Astro global as shown below:

const request = Astro.request

The object holds Information about the current request and is represented by the standard Request interface of the fetch API.

interface Request extends Body {
readonly cache: RequestCache
readonly credentials: RequestCredentials;
readonly destination: RequestDestination;
readonly headers: Headers;
readonly integrity: string;
readonly keepalive: boolean;
readonly method: string;
readonly mode: RequestMode;
readonly redirect: RequestRedirect;
readonly referrer: string;
readonly referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy;
readonly signal: AbortSignal;
readonly url: string;
clone(): Request;

For example, we may access the request headers via Astro.request.headers and the current request URL as a string via Astro.request.url.

The Response object

The Response object is the corresponding interface representing the response to a request. This is also represented by the standard Response interface of the Fetch API.

As opposed to accessing the object on the Astro object, the Response object is created using the Response() constructor.

The Response() constructor has the following signature:

new Response(body, options);

Where body defines the body for the response and options is an object containing custom settings to apply to the response, i.e., status, statusText and headers.

For example, we could update our index page to return a new response if we were presumably in beta - represented by a simple variable.

const isBeta = true;
if (isBeta) {
return new Response("app not available - check back", {
status: 200,
statusText: "OK!",
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/favicon.svg" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<meta name="generator" content={Astro.generator} />
<h1>We're live!</h1>

Instead of returning the HTML page, we should now have a simple text response sent to the client.

Returning a simple text response to the client.
Returning a simple text response to the client.

There’s also a response object on the Astro global. Blimey! However, It’s important to note that this is not the same as the Response object constructor. So, rewriting our example to use Astro.response will fail.

const isBeta = true;
if (isBeta) {
// ❌ This is wrong and will fail
return new Astro.response("app not available - check back", {
status: 200,
statusText: "Excellent!",
Error: Astro.response is not a constructor.
Error: Astro.response is not a constructor.

This is because Astro.response represents the response object initialiser. It’s used to set the options on the server response, i.e., status, statusText and headers.

For example, to set a custom header on the server response, we could do the following:

// 📂 src/pages/index.astro
Astro.response.headers.set("beta_id", "some_header_value");
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/favicon.svg" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<meta name="generator" content={Astro.generator} />
<h1>We're live!</h1>

The server will return the HTML page and our custom beta_id header.

Setting a custom header on the server response.
Setting a custom header on the server response.

Redirect response

It is pretty common to receive a client request and perform a redirect on the server.

There are two ways to achieve this in Astro.

The first is to leverage the standard Response object via Response.redirect.

Consider a case where we want to redirect a user to another page if they are not logged in, as shown below:

{/** 📂 src/index.astro **/}
const getIsLoggedOut = () => true;
const isLoggedOut = getIsLoggedOut();
if (isLoggedOut) {
return Response.redirect(`${Astro.request.url}about`, 307);

In this example, we call Response.redirect while passing it a redirect URL and a status code, i.e.:

Response.redirect(URL, status);

It’s important to note that the URL in this case is an absolute path. Hence constructing from Astro.request.url that points to the absolute base path, e.g., http://localhost:3001/.

When logged out, the user will be redirected to the about page and the optional status code 307 indicates a temporary redirect.

As we’ve seen above, constructing the absolute URL could get unnecessarily complex. Luckily, there’s an alternative way to perform a redirect.

We may also leverage the Astro.redirect method to redirect to another page. For example, we could rewrite our solution to use Astro.redirect as shown below:

const getIsLoggedOut = () => true;
const isLoggedOut = getIsLoggedOut();
if (isLoggedOut) {
return Astro.redirect("/about", 307);

We have a much simpler API here. We can redirect by just passing the relative path to redirect to. The status code is also optional here.

It’s important to note that redirects should be done in page components, I.e., not inside other components, e.g., layouts or base components.

Utilities for manipulating cookies

In SSR mode, we may need to read or manipulate cookies. Well, Astro’s got us covered with Astro.cookies. This contains utilities for reading and using cookies in SSR mode.

Consider the examples of retrieving a cookie:

//Get an AstroCookie object
const cookieObject = Astro.cookies.get("coooookiee");
// Get the string value of the cookie
const cookieValue = cookieObject.value;
// Parse the cookie value via JSON.parse. Returns an object if the cookie is a valid JSON. It throws an error otherwise.
const cookieJSON = cookieObject.json();
// Parse the cookie value as a Number
const cookieNumber = cookieObject.number();
// Parse the cookie as a boolean
const cookieBoolean = cookieObject.boolean();

That’s a lot of flexibility!!

We may also check if a cookie exists with the has method, as shown below:

// check if the "cooooookies" cookie exists. returns a boolean
const hasCookie = Astro.cookies.has("cooooookies");

It is also possible to set a cookie as shown below:

// Set a cookie
Astro.cookies.set("cooookiees", "the-cookie-value");

The signature for Astro.cookies.set is shown below:

// Astro.set(key, value, options)
key: string,
value: string | number | boolean | object,
options?: CookieOptions) => void

Note how different cookie value types may be set and additional cookie options passed if needed, e.g., domain, encode, expires, maxAge or httpOnly.

The request IP address

Understanding IP addresses is beyond the scope of this book. However, we may gain access to the request’s IP address on the server via the Astro.clientAddress property.

Below’s a simple example:

const ip = Astro.clientAddress;
<div>Your IP address is: {ip}</div>

Environment variables

If you’re completely new to environment variables, you might the thinking, “Oi, what are Environment variables, and why should I care?”

Generally speaking, environment variables help us store important information like API keys or sensitive data without ever having to reveal them to clients accessing your application.

Like any secret, Environment variables can be arguably slightly tricky to handle. You need to know exactly where to find them, how to use them, and most importantly, how to keep them safe from prying eyes.

Retrieving environment variables

In Astro, environment variables are accessed on the import.meta.env object.

So, for example, if we had a CAT_API_TOKEN value, we would access it as follows:


If you’re conversant with environment variables in node environments, you’ll notice that this differs from the classic process.env object. Astro leverages Vite, which uses the import.meta Javascript feature.

Default environment variables

We all have secrets.

I’m not quite sure of that. Let me rephrase: most people have secrets.

Similarly, every Astro project has some default secrets, aka environment variables, out of the box. Consider the defaults below:

// Get the mode the Astro site is running in: "development" | "production"
// Is the site running in production? returns true or false
// Is the site running in development? returns true or false
// The base URL of the Astro site
// Get the final deployed URL of the Astro site
// Get prefix for Astro-generated asset links

For import.meta.env.BASE_URL, it’s important to note that this will default to / except explicitly stated in the project configuration. e.g.:

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
export default defineConfig({
base: "/docs",

Astro will now use /docs as the root for our pages and assets in the development and production build.

Similarly, import.meta.env.SITE relies on the site property set in the astro config, e.g.:

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
export default defineConfig({
site: "",

Astro will use this full URL to generate the site’s sitemap and canonical URLs where relevant.

import.meta.env.ASSETS_PREFIX also relies on the build.assetsPrefix option set in the project’s config, e.g.:

import defineConfig from "astro/config";
export default defineConfig({
build: {
assetsPrefix: "",

This can be used if assets are served from a different domain than the current site, e.g., with the prefix, assets will be fetched from This implies the files in the default astro build directory ./dist/astro must be uploaded to the CDN directory to serve the assets.

Phew! Out with the secrets!

Creating environment variables

It doesn’t do a lot of good if we can’t create our own secrets. Heck, it helps with the mystic.

The most common way to create environment variables is to use .env files.

For example, let’s go ahead and create a .env file in the root directory of our project directory with the following content:

// 📂 src/.env
CAT_API_TOKEN = "this-is-the-cat-production-token";

We may then access the secret server-side via import.meta.env.CAT_API_TOKEN.

I must mention that exposing certain environment variables to the client (browser) is possible. To do this, prefix the environment variable with a PUBLIC_, e.g.:

PUBLIC_INSENSITIVE_TOKEN = "this-is-public";

PUBLIC_INSENSITIVE_TOKEN will now be accessible both on the server and client. That’s an open secret. Anyone, and I mean anyone, can see your dirty laundry here. Only use this for insensitive environment variables.

Remember that environment variables are only available in server-side code by default. Prefix environment variables with PUBLIC_ to expose them to the client.

It is also possible to run your project and provide environment variables from the CLI, as shown below:

Terminal window
CAT_API_TOKEN="this-is-the-cat-production-token npm run dev"

In this case, CAT_API_TOKEN will be available both server-side and client-side. Use with caution. We only tell people we trust secrets and never blindly trust a client, e.g., a user browser.

Typescript IntelliSense

We don’t get Typescript IntelliSense support if we attempt to access CAT_API_TOKEN in pages/index.astro after creating the .env file.

No Typescript IntelliSense for our custom environment variable.
No Typescript IntelliSense for our custom environment variable.

We’re pro developers; come on. Let’s fix this.

We’ll find a src/env.d.ts file with projects started with an Astro template. Otherwise, go ahead and create one.

Here’s the initial content of the file if it already exists:

/// <reference types="astro/client" />

Let’s extend the default ImportMeta interface that provides type definitions for import.meta.env by adding the following:

interface ImportMetaEnv {
readonly CAT_API_TOKEN: string;
// add other custom env variables...

And voila! Typescript knows our secrets - for the better.

Typescript IntelliSense activated.
Typescript IntelliSense activated.

Dynamic routes

Static routes are arguably easy to reason about. For example, .astro, .md and .mdx files in src/pages will automatically become pages on our website.

However, sometimes we require dynamic routes to prevent repetition. This typically happens when we have different routes with minimal UI changes between them.

For example, if we were selling products on our website, we would have a different route for each product.

// example routes for different products
// ❌ Providing multiple pages for each product

The URL structure of the product pages could be represented by${name} where name means the product’s name.

Instead of creating different pages to represent each product, we may dynamically handle the product routing in one of two ways.

1. Named parameters

We could represent the variables in the route path with a named parameter surrounded by square brackets. For example, creating a file in the pages directory as follows:


We may then grab the product path value on the page as follows:

/** 📂 src/pages/[product].astro **/


const {product} = Astro.params

Now if we visit the /products/understanding-astro page, we should have the title of the product displayed.

Grabbing dynamic route path values.
Grabbing dynamic route path values.

In most cases, our variable path parameter will include a unique identifier, e.g., /pages/products/[id].astro.

The same routing works.

It is also possible to leverage multiple named parameters in the route path, as shown below:

{/** /products/[product]_[id].astro **/}
<h1>Product name: {Astro.params.product}</h1>
<h1>Product id: {}</h1>

This will be matched with a URL similar to /products/understanding-astro_09u34359534530903453450

Matching multiple route named parameters.
Matching multiple route named parameters.

2. Rest parameters

Rest parameters provide ultimate flexibility in our URL routing. For example, we may use [...path] to match file paths of any depth. Where path could be represented by any string, e.g., [...file] or [...somestring].

Consider the following product pages:


The routes above will all be matched by the page pages/products/[...path].astro, and we can access the full dynamic string path within our code.

For example, create a file in /pages/products/[...path].astro with the following content:

const { path } = Astro.params;
console.log({ path });
<h1>Hello there</h1>

For the paths above, the path variable corresponds to product-id, category/product-id and types/category/product-id.

With much power comes much responsibility.

With the increased flexibility rest path parameters provide comes the responsibility of handling the paths in our code. For example, consider how we may handle the multiple product paths below:

// Get the dynamic route path
const { path } = Astro.params;
// Hold a list of all expected paths and corresponding data, e.g., title.
const page = [
path: undefined,
title: "View all products"
path: "product-id",
title: "Some Product",
path: "category/product-id",
title: "Some Product Category Item",
path: "types/category/product-id",
title: "Some Product Type Category Item",
//Is this a valid path? i.e., exists in our list?
const relevantPageDetails = page.find((v) => v.path === path);
if (!relevantPageDetails) {
// redirect if the dynamic page isn't valid.
return Astro.redirect("/404");
// render the title of the page
Rendering rest parameter routes.
Rendering rest parameter routes.

It’s important to note that if the path is undefined, the root path will be matched, i.e., corresponds to pages/product.

While this demonstrates using rest paths in server-side rendered pages, it is a contrived example where we’ve assumed the literal string “product-id”.

In the real world, the literal string will be represented by different product id strings rather product-id; and we might not know what these are ahead of time!

As we’ve done in the previous solution, keeping a massive list of all product IDs in our application becomes unmaintainable.

For this use case, one way to achieve this would be to update our solution to have sufficiently complex matching logic, e.g., via regular expressions, because we don’t know the product IDs beforehand.

const { path = "index" } = Astro.params;
const page = [
match: /some-regex/,
title: "View all products",
match: /some-regex/,
title: "Some Product",
match: /some-regex/,
title: "Some Product Category Item",
match: /some-regex/,
title: "Some Product Type Category Item",
const relevantPageDetails = page.find((v) => path.match(v.match));
if (!relevantPageDetails) {
return Astro.redirect("/404");

As a matter of personal preference, I’ve sworn a blood oath to avoid path rest parameters for multiple SSR page paths when I can’t deterministically determine the path variables beforehand.

Simple is sometimes better.

In this case, I suggest separating the pages, i.e., creating multiple directories and letting the default Astro automatic routing kick in.

For example, match the path category/product-id by creating a page in category/[id] and types/category/[id] to match the route types/category/product-id.

They can also be composed with a common layout or shared components if they have identical user interfaces.

Priority order

As we’ve discussed, URL paths can be matched in different ways, which begs the question, what happens when different file paths match the same URL path in our project?

Well, Astro needs to make a decision, and that’s following the priority list below:

  1. Static routes, i.e., without path parameters, have the highest priority, e.g., /pages/products/this-is-a-product.
  2. Dynamic routes with named parameters have the next priority, e.g., /pages/products/[id].
  3. Dynamic routes with rest parameters have the lowest priority, e.g., /pages/products/[...path].
  4. Following the above, any ties will be resolved alphabetically.
Route priority order from first to last.
Route priority order from first to last.

Server endpoints

Server endpoints are like the secret weapons in our arsenal when running server-side functions.

They can be used as REST API endpoints to run functions such as database access, authentications, and verifications without exposing sensitive data to the client, i.e., we can securely execute code on the server at runtime in these functions.

Consider the current state of our project with a page/products directory. What if we wanted to create an API route to handle some client requests? How would we do this?

Creating server endpoints

To create an API route in the server output mode, create a .ts or .js file within the pages directory. Optionally, you may see endpoints created with the type of data the endpoint returns in the file name, e.g., .json.ts

I prefer to keep server endpoints simple and omit additional file names. Let’s go ahead and create an api.ts file and handle incoming GET requests as shown below:

// 📂 pages/products/api
import type { APIRoute } from "astro";
export const get: APIRoute = (ctx) => {
return {
body: JSON.stringify({
message: "Hello world",
  • Note the APIRoute type used on the get function. This represents the API route function type definition.

  • Every API route function receives a context object, e.g., represented by ctx. The context object contains relevant properties we’ll take a look at shortly.

  • As shown above, an API route function can return a response with a body. The complete response form is shown below:

    body: string
    encoding?: 'ascii' | 'utf8' | 'utf-8' | 'utf16le' |
    'ucs2' | 'ucs-2' | 'base64' | 'base64url' |
    'latin1' | 'binary' | 'hex'

    We may also return a standard response via the Response object as shown below:

    import type { APIRoute } from "astro";
    export const get: APIRoute = (ctx) => {
    return new Response(
    message: "Hello world",
    status: 200,

Request details

Accessing details of the request object is a breeze with API routes. For example, we may access the request object on the context object to check its headers, as shown below:

import type { APIRoute } from "astro";
export const get: APIRoute = (ctx) => {
// check for an Authorization header on the request
const auth = ctx.request.headers.get("Authorization");
// The user is unauthorised to get this resource
if (!auth) {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ message: "Unauthorized" }), {
status: 401,
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ message: "Hello world" }), {
status: 200,

We could also destructure properties of the context object, e.g., the request object, as shown below:

export const get: APIRoute = ({ request }) => {
// ...

While getting the request object is great, consider the complete list of properties available on the endpoint context object:

export const get: APIRoute = ({
}) => {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ message: "Hello world" }), {
status: 200,

Some of these should be familiar from discussing the request and response objects on the Astro global; however, here’s a quick breakdown:

urlA standard URL interface.
siteThe site property from the astro configuration file.
paramsAn object containing values of the dynamic path segments matched by the request.
requestA standard Request interface of the Fetch API.
cookiesSimilar to Astro.cookies. It contains utilities for reading and manipulating cookies.
generatorIndicates the version of Astro our project is running.
redirectSimilar to Astro.redirect.
clientAddressSpecifies the IP address of the request. Similar to Astro.clientAddress

The alien properties here are generator, url and params.

generator is easy to reason about, while url represents a URL object constructed from request.url i.e., identical to new URL(request.url). It’s worth mentioning that a similar object may be accessed on the Astro global via Astro.url. This could come in handy in static pages.

What about params? Well, that requires a separate section when we discuss dynamic routes.

Dynamic API routes

The dynamic route fabric on pages works the same magic on API endpoints.

For example, our API endpoint is in the pages/products/api file. What if we wanted client requests to be made in the format: GET /api/products/${id}?

Did you notice the variable id?

In this case, we may leverage dynamic routes as shown below:

// 📂 pages/api/products/[id]
import type { APIRoute } from "astro";
export const get: APIRoute = async (ctx) => {
// Get the product ID
const productId =;
try {
const response = await fetch("");
const data = await response.json();
return new Response(
// Add the ID in the response body
id: productId,
status: 200,
} catch (error) {
return new Response(
message: "An error occurred.",
status: 500,

I might have sprung a surprise on you in the code block above! However, the main difference here is we’re reaching out to some external API (think fetching data from a database) and sending the response back to the client.

Another critical point is to notice how the specific id is retrieved from, where ctx represents the context object.

If we make a GET request to api/products/astro-book-001, we should have some data returned to the client.

Testing the product API on
Setting a custom header on the server response.

Note how whatever “id” is passed in the request path is rightly retrieved, e.g., astro-book-001.

The product ID returned in the JSON response.
The product ID returned in the JSON response.

To re-iterate, we can get the path segments in the dynamic route pattern via context.params and voila! We have our use case resolved.

Passing query parameters to GET requests is not unheard of in the real world. Heck, it’s quite an everyday use case!

Assuming the following client request GET api/products/astro-book-001?version=2&publishedDate=2023-06-12, how would we handle this?

It’s important to note that version and publishedDate will not be present in context.params. However, we can grab these from the URL object as shown below:

// 📂 pages/api/products/[id]
export const get: APIRoute = async (ctx) => {
const productId =;
// retrieve relevant search parameters, aka URL query parameters
const searchParams = ctx.url.searchParams;
const version = searchParams.get("version");
const publishedDate = searchParams.get("publishedDate");
try {
const response = await fetch("");
const data = await response.json();
// Return a new response with the retrieved
// "version" and "publishedDate"
return new Response(
id: productId,
status: 200,
} catch (error) {
return new Response(
message: "An error occurred",
status: 500,

The crux of the solution is the following:

// retrieve relevant search parameters, aka URL query parameters
const searchParams = ctx.url.searchParams;
const version = searchParams.get("version");
const publishedDate = searchParams.get("publishedDate");
Retrieving query parameters in a server endpoint.
Retrieving query parameters in a server endpoint.

Dedicated api directory

At the time of writing, API routes must live in the pages directory with appropriate file endings, e.g., .ts or .js.

For example, you can have pages/anyFileName.js act as a server endpoint.

However, I find it easier (and better) to have my server API routes in a dedicated pages/api directory instead of mixing these in other page routes.

One advantage to this is potentially making it easier to redirect a subdomain to a single path for all API routes, e.g., redirect to

On the flip side, an arguable downside is we break the collocation of other routes, e.g., standard pages such as pages/products/... will have their associated API route in api/products/.... This is a downside and a trade-off I happily make in production applications.

Supporting other HTTP methods

All our examples so far have used the get method within our API routes. However, Astro does support all the other HTTP methods, such as post or delete.

Consider the following example that extends our api/products/${id} endpoint to include more methods:

import type { APIRoute } from "astro";
// Handle client GET requests
export const get: APIRoute = async (ctx) => {
const productId =;
try {
// fetch remote resource
const response = await fetch("");
const data = await response.json();
// return data, and the id param
return new Response(
id: productId,
status: 200,
} catch (error) {
return new Response(
message: "An error occurred",
status: 500,
* Handle "DELETE" requests
* "delete" is a reserved word in Javascript. Hence, the function name "del"
export const del: APIRoute = async (ctx) => {
const productId =;
try {
const response = await fetch("", {
method: "DELETE",
const data = await response.json();
return new Response(
id: productId,
message: "deleted",
title: data.title,
status: 202,
} catch (error) {
return new Response(
message: "An error occurred",
status: 500,
* Handle "POST" requests
export const post: APIRoute = async (ctx) => {
// Get the POST body data
const data = await ctx.request.json();
return new Response(
message: "Created",

Go ahead and give these a try!

Making a POST request to our server endpoint.
Making a POST request to our server endpoint.

As a fallback to handle other HTTP methods, we can provide an all function to match methods that don’t have a corresponding exported function. Consider the example below:

export const all: APIRoute = async (ctx) => {
// Get the request method
const method = ctx.request.method;
// Return a response
return new Response(
message: "Unsupported HTTP method",
status: 501, // unsupported

This will match unhandled methods in our implementation, such as PATCH requests.

Handling unsupported methods in a server endpoint.
Handling unsupported methods in a server endpoint.

Streams, oh streams

I’ve chosen a playful title for this section as it involves a relatively lesser-known feature of Astro: server streaming.

What is server streaming?

Generally speaking, SSR refers to generating HTML on the server and sending that to a browser in response to a request.

In theory, we may break this off into distinct steps:

  • Browser requests a page
  • The server renders the page (and every associated data)
  • The server returns the fully formed page to the browser
  • The browser renders the page
Server sending a fully formed page to the client.
Server sending a fully formed page to the client.

What’s important here is to note that the server generates the page’s full HTML, and only then does it send the HTML to the browser.

Now, consider a different approach.

In most cases, certain parts of the HTML page are static and could be sent from the server immediately, i.e., without relying on fetching all the relevant data.

What if the server could transmit the HTML to the browser as it creates the page server side?

The server sends partial chunks to the browser.
The server sends partial chunks to the browser.

This is the crux of streaming: stream HTML to a browser as the server generates the HTML.

Why should we bother?

In theory, browsers can render partial HTML1 and support receiving and rendering HTML data in chunks. Users can view and interact with a page as it streams rather than waiting for the full page to be sent as one big chunk.

Different applications will need various workarounds. However, streaming improves server overhead. The server doesn’t need as much memory to buffer entire pages. It’ll incrementally send page data to the browser releasing memory to handle more requests and consequently save overhead costs. This is a great argument to convince your boss that streaming is good for the company’s wallets (except your company plays the silly game of burning as much cash as possible).

Streaming is easy yet difficult

I’ve sung praises of streaming. It is conceptually easy to reason about. However, in practice is not unlikely to experience some difficult use cases.

A great example is considering the <title> of a page that goes in our HTML’s <head>. Typically, the <head> is one of the first elements we stream to the browser. However, some elements within the <head> could very well be dynamic, e.g., we may have a <title> in the form <title>{product name} fetched from the server<title>.

What’s likely to happen is we stream a stale <title> before we eventually get the product name from the database (assuming the database is the external source of data here).

This out-of-order streaming represents some of the most common issues we may face in practice. In this example, we may provide a generic <title> placeholder and continue streaming.

Once the data becomes available server-side, we may stream a tiny <script> that updates the page title to the desired value.

Okay, that’s enough backstory! Next, let’s dig into streaming in Astro!

Server streaming in Astro

Now that you’re convinced (not confused) about the importance of server streaming let’s explore how streaming in Astro works.

Perhaps the most important thing to know is that Astro supports streaming by default. Yes, you heard that right. Browsers also natively support HTML streaming.

Essentially, within the Astro template, Astro will stream out HTML that occurs before hitting an async boundary.

For example, consider the basic page with a <LoadPets/> component responsible for fetching and rendering some pet data from a database.

import LoadPets from '../components/LoadPets.astro'
<title> Petsssss! </title>
<h1>This is a pet site</h1>
<p> Consider how pets are awesome ... </p>
<LoadPets />

In this contrived example, Astro will stream out the <head>, <h1> and <p> sections to the browser before stopping to fetch the data in <LoadPets /> and then stream its result to the browser when ready.

Let’s explore a visual example.

Update the ssr project to have a new streaming.astro page with the following content:

import Block from "../components/Block.astro";
<Block text="Block #1" delay={1000} />
<Block text="Block #2" delay={2000} />
<Block text="Block #3" delay={3000} />
<Block text="Block #4" delay={4000} />
<Block text="Block #5" delay={5000} />

The <Block/> component receives a text and a delay prop. delay represents how long to wait before rendering its template, i.e., simulating some network request call.

Here’s the <Block/> component:

{/** 📂 src/components/Block.astro **/}
import { sleep } from "../sleep";
interface Props {
text: string;
delay: number;
const { text, delay } = Astro.props;
await sleep(delay);
div {
margin: 1rem 0;
padding: 2rem 6rem;
border-radius: 10px;
background-color: blanchedalmond;

Where sleep is a utility as follows:

// 📂 src/sleep.ts
export const sleep = (delay: number) =>
new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, delay));

Now, go to the Chrome browser and visit the /streaming route to view the wonders of streaming.

Initial block streamed while awaiting Block #2.
Initial block streamed while awaiting Block #2.

Each block of content comes in one at a time!

It’s important to note that we don’t have to abstract the async bits into components. Streaming equally works with standard promises within the Astro template:

import Block from "../components/Block.astro";
import { sleep } from "../sleep";
const block5Promise = async () => {
await sleep(1000);
return "Block #5";
<Block text="Block #1" delay={1000} />
<Block text="Block #2" delay={2000} />
<Block text="Block #3" delay={3000} />
<Block text="Block #4" delay={4000} />

An important fact to note here is that Astro initiates the async fetches in parallel when sibling async components are in the component tree.

So in our example, Block #1 through Block #5 start fetching data in parallel and don’t block one another.

When Block #4 is rendered, block5Promise is already fetched as it takes one second compared to Block #4’s four seconds. Hence, the result of block5 is streamed alongside Block #4.

This can be difficult to grasp via text descriptions.

Describing the parallelized rendering of each block.
Describing the parallelized rendering of each block.

Give this a look in your Chrome browser.

Taking advantage of streaming

Since Astro supports streaming by default, understanding and applying it is the first step to taking advantage of streaming.

Consider the following example:

import { sleep } from "../sleep";
const getSomeData = async () => {
await sleep(1000);
return "some data ";
const getSomeOtherData = async () => {
await sleep(200);
return "another data";
const data = await getSomeData();
const otherData = await getSomeOtherData();
<h2>A name</h2>
<h2>A fact</h2>

In the example above, we presumably need to fetch two resources, data and otherData. However, our solution blocks streaming. We wait for await getSomeData() and await getSomeOtherData() before sending the full page to the browser.

If we wanted to take advantage of server streaming, we could either render the promises directly within the markup:

import { sleep } from "../sleep";
const getSomeData = async () => {
await sleep(1000);
return "some data ";
const getSomeOtherData = async () => {
await sleep(200);
return "another data";
<h2>A name</h2>
<h2>A fact</h2>

Or extract the data fetching to child components:

import Data from '../components/Data.astro'
import OtherData from '../components/OtherData.astro'
<h2>A name</h2>
<!-- Handle fetch of data in <Data /> -->
<Data />
<h2>A fact</h2>
<!-- Handle other data fetch in <OtherData /> -->
<OtherData />



Server-side rendering is powerful and opens up many opportunities in our application. However, with much power comes responsibility. So, before considering making every page in your application server-rendered, consider the PROs and CONs (e.g., as discussed in Chapter 3). Then, make the right decision for your application — that’s where true responsibility lies. And do not forget to leverage hybrid rendering where possible.

